#but like OUGH the LYRICS my StArS
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egginfroggin · 5 months ago
So like I know that きみでないのなら has romantic undertones due to the context and who it's being sung by in Itoki Hana's story (Phantom Aria), but like. I keep associating it with like. tragic siblings (especially twins separated through time/space, hm, gee, wonder why, hmmmmmmmmmmmm)
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pearlescentparade · 27 days ago
Hi!! here for a request for Noob X killer! reader (forsaken) fluff headcanons
yung kai - blue lyrics.
OMG NOOB..... let's hope i can get them right
🔰noob x killer! reader fluff headcanons 💝💞
noob walks right up to you when the round starts, blissfully unaware of your status as a killer. they believe you're just another friendly face that they can stick with in this scary new environment
you consider making a bloodbath of them, until they offer to share their snacks with you. automatically, you assume it's a peace offering or a plead for mercy. though you can't eat, you enjoy the sacrificial offerings regardless
they like to set up picnics with you during the round. they'll put out all of their food, sit down, and just chat about whatever comes to mind. you usually only listen and rarely chime in, but noob appreciates the company anyway. it helps them regain a sense of normalcy, and feel like they're living their old life before they were taken here. and while you've never known a life outside of this world (or at least, the spectre makes sure you don't remember it), you think you would've liked it to be something like this too
adding on, noob likes to play a game with you where they describe things in the 'real world' that they think you would have liked. even if you've never seen or heard of these concepts, you trust their judgement
it's always nighttime in the realm. so on your picnic dates, noob likes to stargaze with you. they don't know any constellations, so they make up their own
"that small star is me, and that big one next to it is you!"
"..how will we be able to tell them apart from the other stars?"
"they're really close together. like us!"
they trail you through every round, clinging onto your back like a lost puppy. when you encounter another survivor, you instruct noob to hide and close their eyes so they don't see you completely mutilating their friends. they are always the sole survivor
they are very jumpy. any sudden spooky noises in the ambience will make them latch onto you and cower. they've jumped into your arms before, and the embarrassment helped them forget all about their fear
the spectre blocks you from reciprocating any actions of love. even so, that doesn't deter noob from displaying his affection. they will hug, kiss, and compliment you like it's nobody's deal! they assure you that even if you physically can't do anything back, your presence is more than enough
often, you'll sneak up on survivors while they're doing a generator. all of them run in fear, except noob, of course. they sit there, still attempting to solve the puzzle on the generator. you'll hover over them, instructing them where to put what wire and what not. the accomplished smile that explodes on their face when they finish it invokes a feeling in you that even the spectre struggles to suppress
if anyone tries to give noob a hard time for lacking knowledge on how to do things, you target them heavily. and when you catch them, you ensure their death is gory and painful
sometimes, you bring their head to noob as a trophy and symbol of your love (since it's the closest thing you can do to show it). you even make sure to clean it and cauterize the wound where you severed their head from their neck so there's no blood at all, just for them!
"look, little fledgling. i've damned your enemy. now they won't bother you."
"AGH- that's- oh my goodness- uh.. i appreciate it, really-! i.. i just... i think i'm gonna throw up-"
"...apologies. i thought you would've liked to see it. it felt more romantic in my head."
"it's- it's okay, i'm- ough...- i'm fine with what you usually do.. it's the thought that counts..!"
they like to attempt to scare you by reappearing after eating their ghostburger. it never works, but you think it's cute. you'll even pretend your roles are switched, and you'll run from them as they act like the big bad killer chasing you
since noob had opened up to you about their drinking addiction, you've put a limit on how much bloxy cola they drink per round. if they've already reached it and try to go for another, you'll snatch it away and crush it in your hands. they protest about the waste of food, but can you really call the highly sugary processed drink 'food'?
because of your increased speed as a killer, noob likes to ride on your shoulders and pretend they're in a cart ride. you'll even go up and down slopes in the map and move in zigzag patterns to simulate the winding track, like how noob describes them
the other survivors use noob as bait, sending them out to find you first before you get to anyone else so that they can minimize the casualties. it's not in a mean-spirited way, it's a practical strategy because noob is able to distract you for the entire round and prevent you from killing anyone as long as long as the others stay out of your sight. noob doesn't mind, they'll happily assist their friends in anyway they can, considering they don't have any team-support abilities
(parade postscript: i tried to incorporate some of the song lyrics into the hcs, especially with the stargazing one! though i didnt know if i did it well LOL the song's meaning and lyrics kind of made me feel sad bc it felt very angsty with the themes of yearning and unrequited love, but i tried to focus on the sweet parts of it for the hcs :'])
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cinnamaow · 4 days ago
thinking about how ivan is so first love/late spring coded.. specifically the second verse + chorus
(thoughts under read more :3)
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“and i was so young when i behaved twenty-five,” regarding to how when he was growing up in the slums, he had to be mature and careful, like an adult. he was constantly focused on safety and survival, he had to grow up fast, hence “behaving twenty-five”. this can also be applied to when he was adopted by unsha, he was constantly obedient and never really showing any emotions. unlike a majority of the other kids at anakt, he was never really a kid then, he acted responsible to gain his owners trust.
“yet now, i find i’ve grown into a tall child,” referring to how he can’t identify/process his own emotions, he never acts upon them right, or rather maturely. because he never had much experience with emotions as a kid/teen, he’s emotionally immature, so he is essentially a “tall child”.
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“and i don’t wanna go home yet, let me walk to the top of the big night sky” doesn’t really have as much substance as the previous lyrics, but it’s worth noting with ivan’s fixation on shooting stars/the sky. could also be applicable to meteor scene (home being anakt garden, “let me walk to the top of the big night sky” being escaping in itself, the night sky is the meteor shower), though it feels like it could be a strech
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“please hurry leave me, i can’t breathe” can also be applied to meteor scene, very literally. “please hurry leave me,” he can’t stand watching till leave so, please hurry, you know?
“please don’t say you love me”, ivan believes that he is a being that is unloveable, due to the way that he grew up. he thinks that somebody loving him is just something that could never happen, so “please don’t say you love me”, because he believes it could never be true i suppose
“胸がはち切れそうで” translates to “my heart is about to break” in english. watching till walking away during the meteor shower, when they could’ve escaped and been happy, seeing till knowing that he could never have him because “he is someone incapable of being loved”.. ough.. yeah.. MYYYYY heart is about to break
this is so ass idc.. ivan alien stage.. you odd creature..
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gio-goose · 5 months ago
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I DID SEE i lost my shit when my friend told me about it and then I listened to it over and over to decipher the lyrics (I wrote down everything I heard) and cry over it. likeee "if only there was a glimmer of a light" (at the end of the first chorus and after the verse that I THINK talks about ky) and "you will be the star that shines through in the night" (end of second chorus and verse that I, once again, THINK talks about sin) what if I fucking exploded dude. SIN IS THE STARRRR HE WILL BE THE LIGHT THAT SHINES THROUGH THE DARK OF THE NIGHT IM GONNA FUCKING EXPLOODDDEEEEE. A glimmer of a light.... Ky holding on to that hope that there will be a light.... Ough aurgh Also "it was the tiniest of innocence" in the second verse makes me think like not only is it referring to Sin (the whole line that I managed to make out was '-the terror was over and a new life was born. It was the tiniest of innocence but it was a cruel thing to-) I personally like to think that this innocence is also what Ky allowed himself to have. His life was finally turning for the better. He has a wife and is getting a child soon. He has a family. Something that brought him joy, something that he wanted for himself. The tiniest of innocence in his life, untarnished by his past or anything. Until thatvwas forcefully ripped away from him. Ourgghhrhh I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THESE DAMNED KISKES AAAURUEGGGRAAAAAAA GET OVER NIGHTMARES IS PEAKKKK get over nightmares.... Ough... Auggghbbbhh.... ROUUUAAAAAARTAGHHHHH
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fuck-you-upmusicbracket · 4 months ago
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21 Guns (American Idiot the Musical)
Do you know what's worth fighting for/When it's not worth dying for/Does it take your breath away/And you feel yourself suffocating
The Mind Electric (Miracle Musical)
See how the serfs work the ground (See how they fall)/And they give it all they've got/And they give it all they've got/And you give it all you've got 'til your down/See how the brain plays around/And you fall inside a hole you couldn't see/And you fall inside a hole inside a-/Someone help me
Understand what’s going on inside my mind/Doctor, I can’t tell if I’m not me
Nuns commence incanting as the lightning strikes mine temples thus/Electrifying mine chambers wholly, scorching out thine sovereignty so/Spiralling down thy majesty, I beg of thee have mercy on me/I was just a boy, you see! I plead of thee, have sympathy for me!
"The lyrics just hit hard with all of the imagery and shit, being used alongside the song glitching and a 3 minute long sequence (an un-glitched version of the song) that plays backwards in full before the song begins, conjure up a very interesting view/idea/image of losing your sanity. Plus, the song has a really interesting history in terms of its creation."
"first listen: "damn its weird that this has itself backwards haha" second listen: ⚡️⚡️🧠SEE HOW THE BRAIN PLAYS AROUND🌩😈AND YOU FALL INSIDE A HOLE YOU COULDNT SEE☁️⚡️AND YOU FALL INSIDE A HOLE INSIDE A🤴🗣SOMEONE HELP ME⛈️🪐UNDERSTAND WHATS GOING ON INSIDE MY MIND🗣⚡️DOCTOR I CANT TELL IF IM NOT ME!!!🌩🌩☄️ anyway, there are actually 2 versions of this song !! since the first half of the song is the second half backwards, but one of the halves has a series of artistic glitches and repeats and skips! the "distorted version", which is what youll find on spotify, has the glitchy half played forwards, and the "nondistorted version", which is what the official channel posted on youtube, is reversed so the unglitched half plays forwards! its a remaster of a previous song Joe Hawley worked on as a member of Tally Hall called "Inside the Mind of Simon", and it has TONS of little easter eggs and details scattered throughout. distorted speech from old movies, clips from old songs, theres this part where chanting voices sing "axon, dendrite" and "help me" over and over which (imo) you really only hear if you know to look for them, theres an intricate synth arpeggio throughout the entire climax of the song that im in love with— its the source of the synth tune in the next song on the album, Labyrinth (the funny "i am the mouse" song)! i have yet to find a blorbo i cant picture to it but considering that my main oc's theme is madness, its her perfect chance to star. in conclusion, your honor, I love the mind electric."
"it's a story of a man getting sentenced to an asylum for a murder he didn't commit, and there he is subjected to electroshock therapy. the synth alone fucked me up the first time I heard it. not to mention the awesome lyrics and various styles throughout the song. oh also the first 3ish minutes of the song are in reverse. so there's that."
"Somehow I feel like it's the story of my life. Also, the first half of the song is the second half of the song played in reverse."
The Mind Electric submitted by @lesleyn +@omegasmileyface +@that-bi-fan + others
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indiestsnake · 5 months ago
here’s a personal ranking of every single fish in a birdcage song currently released, worst to best. cuz why not.
#39: Roots. Not my style, not what I rlly listen to fish for, and paced a bit too oddly for my taste.
#38: Otherside. Again, I don’t rlly come to fish for more electronic sounds, unless it’s in tandem with more acoustic stuff. Also, it’s repetitive.
#37: Movies. This is where the ranking gets infinitely harder, because I literally like every single fish in a birdcage song. Even the last two. Movies is just a bit too lyrically simple and unevocative. Doesn’t make me feel, just a nice tune.
#36: Lion. Again, nice tune, bit to simple with the lyrics. Or rather the lyrics just… don’t conjure much for me.
#35: If Trees Could Talk. Nice wrap up to the album, and an enjoyable tune with good lyrics. Just not personally my taste, a bit too slow n simple.
#34: Gideon. Kind of a fusion of Still and Drunk on Pride if memory serves, but that’s the thing. Memory doesn’t serve. It’s a lil forgettable, especially since so many songs in the album are rather similar.
#33: Man O’ War. Do I need to explain? It’s Man O’ War. Pirate shanty incarnate. Great, but doesn’t really make me feel. but like. MANN OH WAR, OOH-III-OH! FERRY US ALONG, WITH FREIGHTS OF GOLD!!!
#32: Sand. Wonderful. Calm, melancholic, bittersweet. The only reason it’s here is cuz you have to be in the right place to like it. Too slow n sad to listen in an average playlist, too melancholy to be comforting at times. Still good.
#31: Still. I really like still. But still is also, as they say, weird as shit. Gives me a very specific image all the way through, just a bit odd to listen to. Do not put this in your sleep playlist, you will enter another reality.
#30: Calamity. Ohh, calamity. Boss battle music!! And great for it. Bit generic tho. *lightning strike sound effect*
#29: Two sides. Finally out of the Man O’ War barrage lol. I like it! It’s simple, enjoyable. That’s… about it. Not insubstantial, just exactly what it says on the tin. Two sides.
#28: Blessed by a Curse. Fan-fuckin-tastic chorus, but i wish they’d let the instruments speak for themselves more. The “woawoawowoho…” messes with it for me. But that piano hit!! And the STRINGS!!!
#27: Poet. Poet’s damn good! For like. A minute and a half. lol. The parts with the vocals are great, the end is wonderful, but it’s mostly made of instrumental that isn’t as good as the rest.
#26: Brothers. Guys. What if we took Drunk on Pride and Man O’ War and merged them?!? Wouldn’t that be cool!? And it would, but… again, a bit generic. We’ve heard this before, in those songs. Tbh a lot of Man O’ War as an album feels vaguely based around Drunk on Pride and Gideon. It’s weird. I like it.
#25: Moonlight. Lovely. Makes you cry when you need to, and comforts you when you don’t. Like sand, but more applicable.
#24: Amigo. Dabudabudabudabaduadadudabadatdye, dadatdababudu, dabudabubaddudatdudaba dabudabudadubatdadatdadada! Lyrically simple, absolute vibe. Love it.
#23: Drunk on Pride. Great, fucking love the strings here. Especially that crescendo at the end of the first chorus, I ascend this mortal coil every time I hear it.
#22: Magic. The first rule! A bit boring in subject compared to those above it, but great. That violin riff is holy, and the “DA badabada DA” in the melody is great.
#21: Child of the Stars. Really cool, like if you took all the good of Otherside and mixed in some Waterfall, and a bit of poet. Motivational, and those violin riffs… ough. Love em.
#20: The secret rule, Rule #6!! Also known as- Fuck it either way. lol. For those unaware, this rule isn’t published due to some personal preferences of Dusty(the project lead/singer). Mainly cuz it has fuck in the title. There’s a few vids on YouTube of it if you wanna listen. ANYWAY. Great tune, great melody. If a bit lyrically on the nose.
#19: Like a Rock. Like a Rock is slept on. It’s a weird, experimental end to a weird, experimental album, and it shows! The pacing is a touch syncopated, tone can be odd. But man, that fucken guitar melody. And the instrumentals. And, the one part at the end. If you’ve listened, you know.
#18: Rule #34. Had to come eventually, eh? Yes, that was a juvenile joke. Anyway. The strings, the piano, all of the instrumental goes so hard. Especially after the last chorus, when the piano really comes in. And yes, the lyrics do make me vaguely uncomfortable, and that means it’s a bit detached meaning wise. But it is too good to simply leave at the bottom. And yes, all of that wording was intentional. I know what I said.
#17: My Dream, My Addiction. What a song name. I love the strings, the way it’s slow and loud and so many things. It’s hard to decipher, and I love it. It’s just a bit odd for an average playlist, but it’s here mostly on principle anyway. Just too personally interesting to leave low.
#16: Angel Tango. It’s like. The same as My Dream, My Addiction. But a bit less obtuse and weird. Only a bit tho, still kinda odd in a real good way. One spot above feels right.
#15: Lore. Lore! Recent-est song as of now. I fuckin love it, I genuinely just wish it had a bit more. The cello, the ethereal vocals, the everything. But a bit too short, feels kind of insubstantial. A few more lines per chorus would’ve gotten it quite a few places higher.
#14: Momento Mori. ASHES TO ASHES, DUST TO DUUUUST! Absolute vibe, the lyrics are my favorite kind of esoteric and odd, the guitar is great, all real good. At this point, the only thing placing songs higher is them doing what others have done, better.
#13: James Picard. Gorgeous. I love this one so much, the strings are just heavenly. Vocals are wonderful, the harmonies, and the story, ough. Love it.
#12: Throne Room. Again, the cellos and violins. This one is similar to the rest of the album, but unlike many others, it’s so damn unique. The feeling of majesty and mysticism, the lyrics, that chorus of ominous chants before those beautiful strings kick back in. The flare sound effect, ough, it’s all just great.
#11: Microphone. We’re getting into the interchangeable zone, everything below is amazing. For this it’s the starting cello, and the ending cello. Oh, and the middle cello! And the vocals. And the cello!!
#10: Four Aces. More than the sum of its parts. The chain sound effects, and the dull, venomous delivery. The shout in the middle, the story it tells so perfectly and simply. The last lines, where the vocals rise just slightly, making you prep for another shout-! And then they fall. No release, just a few strums and the sounds of shackles, chains, shovels and spades. It all fits like a puzzle.
#9: Fiddler’s Heart. Like, c’mon. It’s Fiddler’s hearts. Fiddly, jovial, simple and lovely on the ears. The story and character, the constant variety of wonderful violin in the back. Great. Perfect, and I mean PERFECT, to listen to on a summer walk.
#8: Long Way From Home. I love the electric guitar in this so much. This is everything good about Roots, Otherside, all of the more electrical stuff they’ve made, raised up and properly realized. It’s repetitive, but it works, because the variation in the instrumentals, and tone, and delivery. It just works. It is Otherside’s heroic father figure whom it looks up to. I love it.
#7: Fish in a Birdcage. The icon! All of the band’s stranger and more strings-based stuff, given the Long Way From Home treatment. Or I guess it’s the other way around. Whatever. It’s weird as shit, it sounds awful on first listen but it somehow sounds amazing after a few more. And the sound is not something you get in any other song, period. Acquired taste incarnate, and I love it for that.
#6: Arizona. The other secret rule!! For the unaware, Arizona is a song that has been recorded and made, but they haven’t decided what rule number it should be. Thus, it’s regulated to a YouTube video if you’d like to listen. And if you didn’t notice the placement, you should. It just… I don’t even know. The vocals and the guitar fit so perfectly, the melody has that quiet quiet, LOUD thing like in magic but perfected. It just works for me. Something about it.
#5: Pyre. Ohhhhh, Pyre. How I adore you. The accordion(actually it might just be two violins but whatevs) that you get nowhere else in their music. The warmth, the vocals, it’s like the motivational parts of Child of the Stars taken to its peak. The type of song that makes you believe people care about you. Fantastic, wonderful, beautiful. I adore it.
#4: Birds of a Feather. I LIED!! THIS is the best summer walk song. Jovial, happy, tells a wonderful story (that’s based off a real Irish pirate queen), has hints of pyre in its tune. And, lemme talk about the importance of preserving history like this. Ireland got fucked over by the British. A lot of culture got erased. And that two-sentence summary really doesn’t convey it. But things like this preserve a truly vast and enthralling culture that is halfway lost to time in modern day. I’m not Irish, but I am a lover of history. And knowing the culture Ireland and so many other places lost, the culture it’s still bleeding today… it makes this song mean a lot more.
#3: Through the Tides. This song is a goddamn lullaby, and that is said in the best way possible. The ethereal and misty melody at the beginning, the gentle and constant picking of an acoustic guitar. The beautiful high notes on a violin to accent it, the almost mystical and mythologized story told through the lyrics. It makes me care so much, feel so comforted, by a theoretical whale that I have never once heard of before. Calm and peace incarnate, makes me feel like a cloud of mist. A blade, gently gliding through the tides.
#2: Paperwork. Paperwork! PAPERWORK!!! This feels like a thesis for Fish in a Birdcage as a band. Freeing listeners from routine patterns of thought, the warm resonations of a wayward writers guitar. Also, I adore the tone and message. It criticizes industrialism, but it’s not angry, or rude, or vitriolic. At worst it’s jokingly chastising the listener. Relax, my guy! It’s a fixable problem! Kick back, don’t have a fucken heart attack over it. Just plant some trees, live your life, create things. Don’t get caught up in the paperwork. I love the meaning of the song, if you couldn’t tell. The music is great too, the relaxed, happy tune. The one-minute monologue at the start that they honestly make work really well. It’s just great. I love it.
#1: Waterfall. Are you surprised? I don’t think you are. The vocals are goddamn perfect. The melody, waxing and waning between gentle picking to rhythmic strumming. The drums always different, the beautifully timed symbol crashes that accent everything perfectly. The little “Hey!” In the background after every verse, the fucking transcendent basswork. God, the basswork. I posted about it earlier and that genuinely inspired this list. The story of two people the song tells, the genuinely perfect, and I mean perfect way of conveying the spark of love. It makes my heart flutter. Just… thinking about the scenario in context of most anything, it makes me get it. It being… love. That spark. Why do you think I refer to love as flame more often than not in my writing? And!!! It’s four and a half minutes too! This is the opposite of insubstantial!! Everything about this song is near-perfect, and I will never get tired of it. It’s mixture of meaning and restraint and simplicity and sheer just being nice on the ears is a solidification of everything I love about this band. It deserves my number one.
That’s the list! Except for Fish in an 8bitcage but somebody else technically made that and also I haven’t listened to it so shh. Feel free to comment on my opinions, tell me I’m wrong, right, whatever. You can comment your own opinions too! Or maybe you’ve never listened to a single song from this band, then you can comment about that. You get the memo. Have a nice day.
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cer-rata · 2 months ago
Conrad I love him
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
Ough you know me so well--
So there's a couple off the top of my head:
"You are the reason I went through it
The only meaning as I knew it
And I can only do my best
I do not do this for myself
I'd walk through Hell on living feet for you"
-"Hymn To Virgil" by Hozier
"A man who is pure at heart and says his prayers by night
May still become a wolf when the autumn moon is bright"
- "Howl" by Florence + The Machine
"There is love in our bodies and it holds us together
But pulls us apart when we're holding each other
We all want something to hold in the night
We don't care if it hurts when we're holding too tight"
-"Hardest Of Hearts" by Florence + The Machine
"I'ma scream and shout for what I love
Passionate but I don't give no fucks
I admit that I'm a lil' messed up
But I can hide it when I'm all dressed up
I'm obsessive and I love too hard
Good at overthinking with my heart
How you even think it got this far?"
-Needy" by Ariana Grande
"I know we're not everlasting We're a train wreck waiting to happen One day the blood won't flow so gladly One day we'll all get still Get still"
-"A World Alone" by Lorde
"When the rain is blowing in your face And the whole world is on your case I could offer you a warm embrace To make you feel my love"
-"Make You Feel My Love" by Adele
"Do you have enough love in your heart To go and get your hands dirty?"
-"Dirty" by Grandson
And of course:
"Just like a star across my sky Just like an angel off the page You have appeared to my life Feel like I'll never be the same Just like a song in my heart Just like oil on my hands Honor to love you"
-"Like A Star" by Corinne Bailey Rae
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mamawasatesttube · 11 months ago
song meme
tagged by @deadchannelradio ♥♥ ty bestie
shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people!
"strawberry sunscreen" by lostboycrow. i like songs that sound like summer what can i say :D
Hey little darling, run like the weekend I get lost and found in your arms Rooftop view, we met on a Wednesday Now which do you prefer? To be alone, to be in love or to just be worth it? I think you're worth it
2. "stubborn love" by the lumineers. its a classic man!!!
It's better to feel pain, than nothing at all The opposite of love's indifference
3. "across the stars"/love theme from attack of the clones. john williams. starred wars. you get it.
[instrumental/no lyrics]
4. "no place in heaven" by mika!!!!! ough!!! im not immune to songs abt religious trauma. :')
I'm down on my knees, I'm begging you, please There's no place in Heaven for someone like me Won't you open the door and try me once more? 'Cause there's no place in Heaven for someone like me
5. "beep beep" by little mix. this one is on here bc of tim car fic byeee
I blew my engine, I think I popped the stick Too busy dreaming, of jumping on your— To get me turning good, you need to check under the hood babe
6. "enterprising young men" by michael giacchino. star trek baybee!!!
[instrumental/no lyrics]
7. "you are loved" by defiance, ohio. this is a superboy (2011) song. source: dude trust me
And to this magic, we hold on I just don't want to feel its loss until it's gone It was in an eerie glow, I finally left you lonely, left the TV on If I have one regret, it's letting this whole nihilistic shit charade live on You know it scares the hell out of me when my friends think they have nobody to lean on And the radio plays a familiar song
8. "blackheart" by two steps from hell. this is on my spacefic writing playlist. i love two steps from hell
[instrumental/no lyrics]
9. "gold trans am" by kesha. this is ALSO on here because of tim car fic hgjkdshgkjhdjk
C'mon, climb into my golden cockpit! Love you 'til you're seein' stars and stripes! Burnin' rubber on the southern highway! Gonna take you for a freedom ride!
10. "why can't i" by liz phair. kon is the reason i started listening to liz phair but i shouldve been here sooner tbh!!!
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you? Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you?
oh god now i have to think of ten people ummmm!!!
@misspickman @milfkon @loisinherlane @mysterycitrus @clarkkent-irons @lemontongues @ectonurites @jayzelnut @radioactive-earthshine and @lemonlimestar but also if anyone wants to do this feel free to say i tagged you!! :D
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moulinblanc0800 · 1 year ago
why wandering clown is wataru singing to eichi
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or, wataru's second solo from the fine trip album lyric analysis as seen through a wataei lens (honestly though this song is so incredibly specific to his and Eichi's story 😭)
Thank you to lucidstars on youtube, whose translation I based this off. Let's begin!
Verse 1: A wandering clown crosses the sea of stars while taking light steps, as if kicking beads
'Sea of stars' makes me think of outer space, how Wataru views himself as an alien or monster, something otherworldly.
A few other things come to mind: stars are very Eichi symbolism, like in his first solo Shining Star; and Jingle Bells, when the Angel flies through the sky with Eichi. The beads are immediately reminiscent of Eichi's solo Crystal Pleasure. (There's actually an insane number of parallels between the two solos as we'll see.)
The applause is for you, my whole soul that goes into a whirlpool of emotion And to be able to lock eyes with you in the garden of joy would be such a wonderful thing (showtime)
This is a stretch but walk with me. The first line is daydream. "A resounding applause (kassai ga hibiki wataru)" is the first line. The applause was for Eichi alone, while Wataru was enmeshed by all his conflicting feelings at the time.
In Wataru's words to Eichi in Blackbird, which directly follows daydream: "It’s as though something I cannot quite comprehend is stirring inside me", "as though he were a child who had just tripped for the very first time in his life."
I tried looking up garden of joy (歓喜の園 kanki no sono) to see if it was a reference but couldn't find anything. But I did think of the garden of Eden and the idea of exfine being holy angels, divination...idk.
Chorus: Let’s sew countless sparkles into this dream Sing as the wings of love flap Tonight at the end of the world, the clown you invited Will deliver a surprising song you’ve never heard before
This part screams Blackbird, where Eichi and Wataru write the next part of their story. In fact this is pretty much blatantly repeated by Eichi in Crystal Pleasure: "I want to connect all the sparkling moments" and "let me give you happy dreams". (I really have to do a separate analysis for Crystal).
Wings of love --> can be Wataru's bird imagery, callback to Jingle Bells' Angel, or the continued bird imagery in Blackbird
"At the end of the world"- In Neo Sanctuary, fine sings "And that is the Neo Sanctuary, the blooming new world I offer this victory to". In the same sense, they were at the end of the old world, about to embark on a new one, with the clown that Eichi invited... to fine :) [Oh this is ALSO mentioned in Crystal Pleasure's second chorus: "I’ll invite you into the brilliance, towards the tomorrow that you wish for"] This is one of the most blatant Wataei parts of the two solos.
Verse 2: Tied together with mischief, the melody of the constellations echo so close to each other every time you resonate your wish I want to speak to those eyes of yours, on this stage coloured by enthusiasm
The star imagery continues... Suspiciously in alignment with Crystal Pleasure. I will note that the same word for wish 望む is used here as in Crystal's second chorus. Both Wandering and Crystal sing about eyes countless times, I'll let you play with that yourselves.
But maybe I’m the only one who wants that When the curtain rises, the boundaries fade away I can almost feel your breath, you beautiful person
This part. Ough. Again, walk with me, this is like a reverse, or parallel of daydream. "Maybe I'm the only one who wants that"--when Wataru, unlike the other Eccentrics, was always fascinated by Eichi and even went to join fine, to the befuddlement of the rest.
In daydream, Wataru catches Eichi as the curtain falls, telling him that the audience is still watching, and commenting that it's unsightly (jury's out on whether he was talking about Eichi or himself, but anyway). Meanwhile, Eichi thinks Wataru "beautiful". They are so close that Eichi coughs up blood on Wataru's face.
These last lines of the second verse aren't daydream, but they're the present. Instead of a falling curtain, it's a rising curtain. And they're close as ever, so close he can feel his breath. And in this implied performance, they're standing on the same stage. In Wataru's words in Diner Live: "I wanted to stand on the same stage as you, Tenshouin Eichi [...] Unlike the confrontation of the past, a “what-if” that shows a past where we are standing shoulder-to-shoulder, or maybe even in the present. That’s the kind of dream I wanted to see."
Yeah. I'm. I'm normal
The second chorus ends with two different lines:
Tonight at the end of the world, the clown you're dancing with Will deliver an incredible dream just as you wish for
At this point
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they're just not hiding anything are they.
Now that I'm done destroying myself here, I have to do Crystal Pleasure god i have to do crystal pleasure. I hope u enjoyed this post! Thank you for listening to me bend my back over for them. Feel free to add on if you noticed anything else.
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fallenclan · 1 year ago
okay, I have a few songs in mind for that Otterslip pmv! Just to let you know what to expect between all of these :) Give me your thoughts on these songs, I love these all dearly and really want to create something with all of these.
Toba the Tura by Forgiven Durden
Introduction to the Show by ミラクルミュージカル (Miracle Musical)
Alternatively, I use the Hawaii Part II Part II demo for Introduction to the Show because that version goes so hard. 10/10 demos. The piano is so crisp.
Time Machine by ミラクルミュージカル (Miracle Musical)
I will be using either the 1st or 2nd demo if I decide to do this song. The polished version on the official record won't do for Otterslip.
The Rockrose and The Thistle by The Amazing Devil
Worms by Viagra Boys
Poplar St by Glass Animals
I'd have to do this one carefully. Might have to edit my own version of the song for the pmv
I will be watching this post, so if anyone has more ideas.... then please share them in the replies or smth :)
YOUR MUSIC TASTE IS SO GOOD. all of these songs are fantastic and they fit Otterslip so well,,, i've listened to almost all of them before but i still had to make myself a little playlist to refresh my memory and listen to them with the context of Otterslip in mind. devastating btw, in the best possible way. putting my thoughts below the cut bc they might get a little long!
Toba the Tura:
SUCH a good song. especially for Otterslip. a few lyrics that really stood out to me.
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THE LAST ONE ESPECIALLY. that whole ending monologue just SCREAMS Otterslip. the girl he loved vacating to a new place? his daughter dying and going to the afterlife. a mountainous wall of stone to separate themselves from him??? its. a fucking mountain. they live in a mountain. theirs would be the light, his would be the dark. oughghghghg sobs and wails and cries forever
Introduction to the Snow:
what if i cried. man this song is so fucking SAD. and also not in a way. would work fantastic if one wanted to do a really lonesome depressing take on Otterslip's exile. im picturing an animatic with very few pov changes, just Otterslip maybe watching the stars or traveling through the outside of Fallenclan's territory, up until "you'll live forever tonight" and the piano afterwards, then i'm seeing lots of glimpses of his past life in Fallenclan, and the events leading up to Stormsight's death. ougghh
Time Machine:
GOD THIS WORKS SO WELL WITH HIS EXILE. "you'll have enough time to spend some time alone" HES LITERALLY ALONE. dice anon youre going to turn me into an Otterslip apologist. hes literally leaving today
The Rockrose and the Thistle:
jaw drop. a friend of mine introduced me to this band a while back but HOW HAVE I NOT HEARD THIS ONE. this song fits Otterslip so good its crazy. here's a couple lyrics that stick out to me
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i'm definitely seeing some hints of Grassroot in this song. maybe he's singing it to her, maybe she's singing it to him, idk but shes There. ouches
i've never heard this song OR this band before and it fucking RULES so first off thanks for pointing me in that direction. second OUGH i can see the Otterslip here. no lyrics in particular stand out to me but the Vibes... man the vibes they fit so well. i can see him singing this to Stormsight, esp since the "the same worms that eat me will one day eat you too" has such a threatening sound to it,,
Poplar St:
MY HEART. god this is so good and it works so well. again no lyrics really stick out to me in particular but MAN. the stress on "free falling love addict" is getting to me. considering Stormsight fell to his death. ouch.
conclusion! these are all fantastic song choices and you are a fucking genius. i'm almost temped to something with Toba the Tura myself, except i know I'd never finish it lmao. and as a side note, if you've never heard the Chonny Jash covers of a lot of Miracle Musical songs i would highly recommend. they aren't for everyone but personally I like them better than some of the originals, even.
and back to the topic of Otterslip: here's all the songs I have on his playlist at the moment (though i will be adding. probably all of the ones youve suggested.) in case you wanted more inspiration or simply some good tunes to listen to.
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ty for your wonderful ask!!! you have given me much to think about...
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arklypurple · 9 months ago
let it be known that this is my favorite album of all time
i'll be reviewing transition tracks as part of the song they come directly after.
Kaleidoskull: i love this song so much. it's cold, in a good way. like rain. [view-monster] gives me that same feeling but tenfold. probably the best lemon demon opener to date.
Amnesia Was Her Name: straight bop. long term memory sauce. [hippocampus] isn't of much note.
The Man in Stripes and Glasses: they killed waldo from where's waldo. [spooky sounds vol 6] is a very funny way of transitioning out of it, too.
Marketland: how can you hate marketland. it's about a guy who hates going to the market but goes there anyway. [x-ray glasses] is similar to [hippocampus].
Gadzooks: i've heard it said before that Gadzooks is like Marketland but you're in on the joke. yeah pretty much. love this song. [prelude to a knife fight] isn't notable.
Knife Fight: homoeroticism. S tier. [autofocus] is probably one of the best transition tracks.
The Only House That's Not on Fire (Yet): really good. great lyrics, great music, great everything really. second favorite on the album. [combs] is not notable.
The Ocean: a fun song about an idiot sailor. show no fear, for on this strange frontier, monsters can smell the fear in you, that's how they know just who to pursue. [wet hair] is ocean ocean ocean ocean ocean ocean ocean ocean ocean.
The Afternoon: banger. love the lyrics, too. [afterafternoon] might as well just be part of the song.
Spring Heeled Jack: light on its feet. pretty good. [alternate history] isn't of much note.
Being a Rock Star: my best friend is obsessed with this song, so i always think of her when i listen to it. banger. [like a balloon] is basically just part of the next song.
Ask for Nothing: song about agnosticism. goes hard. [disconnect] isn't of note.
Satirist's Love Song: can be interpreted as a break-up song in which the singer is denying there was ever love to begin with, or a song about a relationship where only the other party was actually serious about it. pretty good song. [therapy] sets up the next song pretty well.
The Machine: ough. probably my favorite lemon demon song ever honestly. it's so fuckign goodd im gonna scream. [between the frames] is a pretty good transition.
Bill Watterson: 👍👍👍👍👍 banger. really fun second-to-last. love this song. [sleeping] isn't notable.
Something Glowing: great fucking closer. vaguely lovecraftian. fantastic lyrics. [finale] is basically just a continuation of it.
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becauseplot · 2 years ago
Okay rant (/pos) time. The new Guardians of the Galaxy movie is SO good and I could go on for ages about everything that made it so good but holy fuck. The ending. First of all you have the choice of song: Dog Days by Florence + The Machine. All of the music choices (and the score, ough, THE SCORE) throughout the movie are phenomenal, but this? With the first word echoing out of the speakers over Knowhere, sweet and long, "Hapiness..." you can feel the shift in the air, a direct contrast to the opening of the movie. 
And as the song kicks up, the characters start to dance, and it is so cathartic. The whole movie was tense, with people's lives always on the line right up until the very end, emotions running high, and now they're dancing. The worst of it is behind them ("The dog days are over..."), they all made it, they survived, they've changed, they've grown, and despite everything, it's all going to be okay! They're together, even if they're worlds apart.
And direct lyrical/emotional/plot-related parallels aside, there's also something so beautiful about the final scene on a wider scale. Like, Knowhere is a patchwork community of people displaced from various civilizations across the galaxy, and they're all dancing. They're dancing! They're dancing and singing and raising their arms up to the sky and smiling (NEBULA SMILED!!! NEBULA ACTUALLY FUCKING SMILED IM--) and rejoicing as a community. Music really is the one true universal language. Like, I might not speak your mother tongue, but by stars I'm grabbing your hand and dragging you out of your dark little corner and into the middle of the street so we can shake our bodies and be ridiculous together. 
Just... This movie, man. Holy shit. I think this is probably one of the best MCU movies ever, hands down. I am simply 0(-< in the face of this. Altered my brain chemistry. Hoooooooo.
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hi malloy i want to listen to more fob do you have any song recommendations?
hellow vic! gosh how do i recommend fob to someone when the discography is so large and varied... hmmmmmm
ok i’ll separate by album so you can like choose what you wanna listen to depending on your style, with one gateway song that i think is a good intro to it and a personal fav
under the cut because i got carried away (like seriously i ended up writing a paragraph for each album 💀) but there are eight albums so sixteen recs for you👍
malloy’s crash course in fob albums + what to listen to first
take this to your grave — their first official album, a pop punk staple, extremely pop punk very clearly showing their hardcore roots:
gateway song: grand theft autumn/where is your boy (teehee its my url song but also i believe every person dipping their toes into the scene needs to listen to this song. it’s that iconic)
a fav that u should also listen to: saturday (this song means a lot to the band! they close every single show with it! and also it goes off!!)
from under the cork tree — the breakthrough album, the album with sugar we’re goin down and dance dance, another pop punk staple but now with slightly more pop friendly elements:
gateway song: a little less sixteen candles a little more “touch me” (another hit single and also just. a bop. an absolute bop)
a fav that u should also listen to: the music or the misery (this one isnt even on the actual album it’s technically an additional track from a deluxe edition. however i think it’s going to be in my spotify top 5 this year. the hook goes SO hard)
infinity on high — probably the most popular among fans? ive already said this album is insane it had such a perfect mix of their pop punk sound with stuff like soul, r&b, horns and violins… fucking insane. this is the one with bang the doldrums:
gateway song: i’m like a lawyer with the way i’m always trying to get you off (mmm i feel like i can eat this song it’s so comfy and easy to get into)
a fav that u should also listen to: i’ve got all this ringing in my ears and none on my fingers (OUGH. the orchestrations.. the piano!! the horns!!! patrick’s ba ba ba ba ba ba ba da da during the bridge. a banger.)
folie à deux — this one goes hard. it was a very different album so there were a lot of people who hated it when it first came out but now it’s commonly agreed that it’s one of their best!! folie is like ioh with the experimentation turned up even more with lyrical focus on criticizing the media and celebrity culture among other things and it is cool ✨:
gateway song: she’s my winona (catchy as hell, i’ve always thought it was the best track to introduce someone to folie)
a fav that u should also listen to: america’s suitehearts (my fob tag (#you don’t don’t know you’re a legend) is lyrics from this song. it is. really fun to sing to and the music video is wonderfully trippy)
save rock and roll — first post-hiatus album! these next three are very different from the previous albums, way more pop than pop punk. srar itself is what i can only describe as an album that sounds so 2013 radio pop rock sometimes feel like i’ve regressed 10 years and the next song i’m going to listen to is counting stars by onerepublic. this is the album with my songs know what you did in the dark. album still slaps tho. fun fact they made a movie out of it which has elton john:
gateway song: alone together (top tier example of a 2013 pop song tbh. pop done wonderfully. wowzaz)
a fav that u should also listen to: where did the party go? (the bass… the synth… the delivery of the lyrics… this was the song that convinced me to relisten to save rock and roll and really get into it)
american beauty/american psycho — people call this one sports commercial/stadium rock music and honestly yeah. yeah. this one had not only centuries but immortals from the big hero six movie. i’m like split down the middle on this album because half i simply cannot care about but the other half goes really hard fav after fav so:
gateway song: fourth of july (*cackling* (this is the other song people heavily associate with mikey way) but seriously this one can wreck you)
a fav that u should also listen to: the kids aren’t alright (this one will wreck you. genuinely? lyrics of all time.)
mania — my fav ✨😌 though polarizing among fans because this album is the furthest from pop punk theyve ever gone; it’s experimental pop rock/electropop. but i love it to pieces its clear themes of changing yourself for better or worse and looking back at how things used to be and knowing that you’ve survived and redemption through love drive me insane. ough:
gateway song: the last of the real ones (a single. it bops and its lyrics are wonderful. the piano is iconic)
a fav that u should also listen to: sunshine riptide (SONG OF ALL TIME!!! idk if it’s still my fav but damn i love it so much. beach vibes. a summer song. banger hook. vocals that make me feral.)
so much (for) stardust — THE RETURN ALBUM! came out in march :D “a return to their roots” everyone says, mirroring folie in its rock/pop punk sounding base with funk, soul and even disco influences? insane. absolutely insane:
gateway song: hold me like a grudge (the funky bass is enough for me to die happy tbh this is such a silly bop. yeag this was the song with the lyric fanfic writers were clamouring over (“part time soulmate, full time problem”))
a fav that u should also listen to: what a time to be alive (they made a fucking earth wind and fire song about the fucking pandemic and it is kinda their best song ever)
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starmapz · 17 days ago
Song recs for wyk from thee artist, Benson boone.
"pretty slowly" - sukuna's pov
"to love someone" - readers pov (cried)
"empty heart shaped box" - readers pov
"work of art" - sukuna's pov (I cried even more)
I hope you like them!! I think they're very fitting for wyk, though they're very emotional 🤧
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the wyk playlist is getting sadder by the day omg 😭 (i say as though i'm not the one writing angst) i'd only heard one song by benson boone (until now) and these just all made it into my personal playlist too, i love them 🙂‍↕️ i love the sad lyrics of pretty slowly accompanying much more upbeat music, songs like that always get me
is this what it feels like to love someone? don't know what you had until it's gone
oh those are my tears 😭
i swear looking up each one of these they kept getting sadder (empty heart shaped box was begging me to cry i swear) and i was like oh NO but work of art in specific had me crying DIFFERENT tears it's SO CUTE and sweet i'm actually in love?? it's SO fitting for wyk!kuna like
and your smile, your smile is like the stars illuminates the dark and when I need you most right here is where you are i sit here painting perfect pictures of every moment with you i've known it from the start darling, you're my work of art
the references to art and the stars?? that's so them, my HEARTTT 😭
the literal first lyrics of let me go and i'm already like OUGH
You're the lump in my throat You're the reason I choke On the words that I wish I had said
these all absolutely suit them both omg :(( they're such good recs and work of art in particular OOOOOH that hits so hard 😩 tysm for sharing bb <33
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angleofmusings · 2 years ago
ok danger days analysis. this starts with bulletproof heart because i was super feral about it and couldn’t wait until after look alive sunshine and nanana.
bulletproof heart. “too much talking with a laser blade” it isn’t about using violence as a form of diplomacy. it’s not that at all. it’s the opposite. there’s too much talking with weapons instead of words. insert that astronaut meme “it’s all anti-war?” “always has been”
sing. “sing it till you’re not / singing out for the ones that’ll hate your guts” well fuck okay. if that ain’t something that they sure as hell r living up to now.
planetary (go!). it’s saying, let’s fucking get out of here! “this is a letter / my word / is the beretta / the sound of my vendetta / against the ones that planned it”
the only hope for me is you. well. this is just. a letter to queer youth. it’s no accident that it’s right after planetary (go!) on the album. it starts with “remember me” and invoking imagery of nostalgia and shared history, then the fucking amazing lyrics “and if we can’t find where we belong / we’ll have to make it on our own / face all the pain and take it on / because the only hope for me / is you alone”
jet star and the cobra kid / traffic report. and then jet star and the cobra kid fucking die so. hello narrative foreshadowing
party poison. anygays this one is very interesting tbh it needs a whole analysis of its own. for this purpose tho it basically is the turning point in terms of like, no longer being able to safely play along with society even if you wanted to
save yourself, i’ll hold them back. the first fucking lyric: “right now, i hope you’re ready for a firefight / ’cause the devil’s got your number tonight / they say! we’re never leaving this place alive / but if you sing these words we’ll never die”
the “they” is evidently jet star and the kobra kid, which just. ough sobbing rn. but the interesting part is the first half, basically like, yeah this is about to boil over, i hope you’re ready.
“for all of us who’ve seen the light / salute the dead and lead the fight / hail hail! / who gives a damn if we lose the war? / let the walls come down / let the engines roar!” so these lyrics are linked ofc. “salute the dead” -> “hail hail!” and then “lead the fight” -> “who gives a damn if we lose the war? / let the walls come down / let the engines roar!”
so yknow. it’s about being okay with losing the war. as long as you lived life to the fullest. who cares what happens in the end as long as you live on the way to it?
“be a burning star if it takes all night” the night in the desert is when you’re safe from the sunlight that kills you. well you gotta leave your mark somehow! be a burning star, even though you gotta spend all that safe time getting there.
“i’ll tell you all how the story ends / where the good guys die and the bad guys win / who cares!” it doesn’t fucking matter what the ending is! we’re doomed to die but that doesn’t mean the story is lost! even if they win, that isn’t the point of the story. the outcome is irrelevant, what matters is the legacy you leave behind. the graffiti they write on your grave. i’ll hold them back so you can leave a mark on the world before we go. i can give you tonight, make it count, leave behind a memory of who you really were. be broken glass when the sun rises on the empty space we fled from.
s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w. now this song is talking to a child, coaxing them into shelter before the bomb hits, knowing that when society falls it’ll be devastating no matter how terrible that society was. of course s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w is like an actual BLI thing that is a very real threat in the zones and you have to hide from it, and they come out during the day in the sunlight, but you still gotta move yourself when that sunlight of BLI’s presence is gone, because if BLI dies then that means something worse is on its way. and not even love is enough to stop that from coming. no matter how strong or defiant or queer that love is, it won’t be enough. you have to run.
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cosmicharmonyoc · 2 years ago
warning: what follows is a way too long analysis of With My Tail To The World by patricia taxxon as a den song. and its written kinda badly bc im so sleepy but oh well <3 woe, oc playlists be upon ye
i guess to start - the entire sound of this is SO den. the energy in the synths. the way its pushing forward. there's this bright exciting energy to all of it and it's so so den!! me and den r both stimming to this song :3 and then the way the synths get a bit darker in the chorus but keep up that energy.... OUGH its so cool
ok so lyrics time
You would know me if you saw me on the road / I’m imposing, I’m explosive, I’m precocious, I’m the most
den's whole personality that he presents to the world is the MOST - enthusiastic and silly and energetic and optimistic and positive. now that he's on the elpis, he's crafted a version of himself that is impossible to hide, who is loud and bright and loving.
Can you sing along? / I don’t hold you to the best, but / Can’t you see the lines and dots? / Don’t you feel as if you’re missing something?
a lot of things here. a) can you sing along - music - cosmic harmony. music is a big theme for the story and just :3 . b) this is starting to get to how den perceives the world. he's an artist, and a lot of how he interacts with the world is through that lens. he interprets the world by thinking in terms of art - can you see the lines and dots?
I’m a skeptic of the senses, I don’t think you’ve broke / The terror found in relishing pretention, I don’t think you’ve spoke / To any of your characters, purveyors of your barriers / The scariest it gets is far behind the world you know, so...
ok i wont lie and pretend i understand any of this ghjk i love the lyrics so much though!! what i do think happens here is like... den's this character who calls identity into question. in a story all about identity and figuring out who you want to be, den is all about like... purposefully crafting the Self. im still trying to figure out what this verse means but there's something going on with den calling the world into question - by looking at it through an artistic lens, deconstructing everything. "the scariest it gets is far behind the world you know" is very fun coming from him in his relationship with honeycomb - den is part of this weird, magical, and sometimes scary world that others dont know about.
Can you sing along? / She was looking like a summer / Can’t you see the lines and dots? / And in turn, beget the sun within her
here we start to get a look at den and creation and the Self and his relationships with the space squad. specifically aria. the word sun is in there, i have to :p the idea of seeing the lines and dots - den's art - in order to create the sun within her - DEN IS A NEBULA AND ARIA IS A STAR! nebulas create stars! aria's identity exists without den of course hehe but there's this interesting thing going on where like... den uses his art to show people who they are in his mind. his painting of honeycomb is a prominent plot point - the way den uses his art to turn people into these bright and powerful symbols. and in terms of his friendship with aria, he definitely does something similar - helping her to see herself as a bright burning star, the way he does. helping her to create herself.
You think you know the mistress, well / You see me as I am, but... // Can you see me with the lights off? / The quale I brought to class? / Articulate the beauty of a flower held behind my back
and here we get into the complicated nature of identity - den is a deeper person than that loud energetic optimistic self he presents. its an authentic version of himself, but that light isn't all there is to him. den is optimistic but not entirely naive, energetic but not out of control - he is a force of creation to be reckoned with. idk quite how to describe any of this lol but if we're looking at the self as a creation, den is basically saying here "there's more to me than my surface". and of course turning the lights off here - den has light powers! he's in control of the lights! and so there's this question of. who is he when the lights are off? when he changes the colors? can you see him beyond the surface level paint?
I’m that doggie in the window of your church / Every Sunday, you could see me if your muzzle formed the words / Think absurdly in the evening, think concretely by the dawn / Think along the lines you recognize, but never dared to walk
den fursona when. also den comes from a conservative christian family and so there's something so fun here about him challenging the values and standards of that culture!! and that last line... there's a LOT to it but one thing worth mentioning is like... how much den plays with gender. he's technically cis but he's Cis+. he's fucking with gender and doing what he wants - he recognizes the lines and is walking with them and turning them into absurd concepts :3
ok, last verse before its the chorus again, so final new lyrics to analyze!
Can you sense the gold within a Friendship saved? / Can you lens the lurid lines belied inside On A Clear Day? / Can you grab the squalid square laid bare amongst a Desert Rain? Can you nab the stained stripes entwined a meek Untitled 8? I say!
so With My Tail To The World is about the artist agnes martin, and all of the lines here reference her works. this song actually made me consider making den's art more abstract, which i think works well with his character!! this is just. PERFECTLY how den views the world. all of these abstract art pieces that are easy to dismiss as being simplistic are reflections of the world!! this is questioning those same things about identity and the world and art - can you see the world in these paintings? can you see how i see the world? this verse is just... an anthem for den's view on art and the world and WAUGH I LOVE IT. also this verse is so fun to sing out loud lol. also fun fact Friendship by agnes martin is this giant grid of gold and just... i think its perfect for den's friendship with aria hehe
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